
So are you a fool on the 1st of April

of course with this worldwide wossname, some parts of the world started the 1st of April many hours ago… But here are some of the better jokes so far (I did not say they were great) Twitter switch for Guardian, after 188 years of ink Consolidating its position at the cutting edge of new media […]

of course with this worldwide wossname, some parts of the world started the 1st of April many hours ago…

But here are some of the better jokes so far (I did not say they were great)

Twitter switch for Guardian, after 188 years of ink

Consolidating its position at the cutting edge of new media technology, the Guardian today announces that it will become the first newspaper in the world to be published exclusively via Twitter, the sensationally popular social networking service that has transformed online communication.

Warner Bros. Acquires The Pirate Bay
After years of hostility, lawsuits, police raids and heated invective between the two groups, the Pirate Bay has today announced they have settled their differences with US media conglomerate Warner Bros.

Google with their Mobile Brain Search
Is it on the tip of your tongue? Google Brain Search (BETA) uses CADIE technology to index your brain to make your thoughts and memories searchable. Get Google Brain Search in the Google Mobile App to recall:

* the name of that guy across the room
* where you put your car keys
* why you started dating this woman in the first place

My favourite so far is

SatNav Shoes
Want to walk around crowded city centres and not look like a tourist? You need a pair of nifty Sat Nav Shoes! Using good old GPS technology to guide you from postcode to postcode these shoes really do talk the talk and walk the walk! , they are also doing a iREMember Dream Recorder, Powdered Beer and A piss up in a brewery!!

Youtubes upside down player
At YouTube, we’re always looking to improve the way you watch videos online. As part of that, today we’re excited to introduce our new page layout. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your new YouTube viewing experience:
1 Turn your monitor upside-down

of course you can follow lots of other ones over at twitter of course most are not big or clever