
Beers of the Week – unique beers from a Scottish dog and south west hare about time

Not blogged about the beers I have drunk for a while, one good reason for this – I have cut down – well in the week and during the day anyway. So these beers are either with meals or while running my shed empire and used as a typing aid. UNION 4.9% ABV This was […]

Not blogged about the beers I have drunk for a while, one good reason for this – I have cut down – well in the week and during the day anyway.

So these beers are either with meals or while running my shed empire and used as a typing aid.


This was a lovely European style lager from the great London brewery Meantime – UNION 4.9% ABV, great label as well.

Dark Hare 4.0% abv

Another great regional brewery Bath Ales – I love their beer but this is the first time I have drunk the Stour from the bottle as been lucky to have it both in Bath and my local once!

Dark Hare is a lovely stout – but if your drink the Irish one you wont recognise it, its smooth and the roasted malt gives it a great after taste.

The next few beers are from the outlandish but excellent brewdog brewery.

77 lager 4.9%

AS with a lot of brewdog beers the hops hit you.. and this is not different, unfortunately the Mrs liked it as well, so only had half a bottle, If you can get it try it on your lager drinking mates you will convert them.

zeitgeist 4.9% Black Lager

Another Lager from brewdog but so different from anything else I have had in the UK- I first tried this at a local golf club from cask and was blown away with it – it reminds me of Czech black lagers. Its smooth and has a nice roasty flavor I had it with a curry and it worked a treat.

Bashah 8.60%

Been wanting to try this for a while Strong IPA from brewdog, it’s a Black Belgian Double IPA with help from Stone Brewing (from that America) its a great taste but the alcohol hits you (so that means the mrs does not want to share it!), it was like an expresso hitting you…. i can see me using some of it in a stew or something – be wonderful , if I could spare some.

I have a few bottles of Paradox (10%) in the shed, but don’t think drinking the same time as the Bashah would help me get to work tomorrow.