
Tips for getting the best Groupon deals, they should do more beer and maybe sheds ;)

I have been using groupon in the UK ever since it was mycitydeal.:) over a year now and we have had some great treats at vastly reduced prices, my only quibble is that everyone is using it now and you have to be quick 🙂 I have had a spa (not spar) treatment (offer details) […]

I have been using groupon in the UK ever since it was mycitydeal.:) over a year now and we have had some great treats at vastly reduced prices, my only quibble is that everyone is using it now and you have to be quick 🙂

So some varying offers – but they need to do more alcohol offers – online beer companies you know who you are – maybe getting a certain yearly beer club a bit cheaper I would sign up no sweat for that offer.

And my other passion as you know is sheds -so 20% off a certain size of shed would do wonders for the shed industry 😉

My tips for better groupon use.

1) Sign up for multiples areas (and the National Deal) and use Gmail to Label them “groupon” so you can look at them later (not too late) – this way if any tasty hotel deals come elsewhere along then you can grab it asap

2) or Create a Tab in Igoogle (or whatever you use or maybe your mobile) and bring in the RSS feeds of the towns you are interested in.

eg Cardiff feed.

so you can see the deals as they are published and grab them straightway.

3) When you get the voucher, book straight away as you will be able to get the date you want – I have waited a few days and never end up getting the date we wanted!

4)Don’t panic buy – think about it ask your other half but the bigger deals will go quick – so if you have the money in your paypal (my prefered payment for this) then BUY BUY BUY 😉

5) Join their recommendation program – so you earn £6 when you recommend your mates – you can use this cash to pay for more deals – so everyone is a winner!

5) Enjoy your deal!

Sign up using my ref and I get £6 from groupon or use an affiliate link where I get a small percentage of your deal price.