
Has Cardiff sold it’s soul to … John Lewis

Well today is the day, World peace breaks out NO, Famine is eradicated NO, the day John Lewis opens it’s largest store outside of London, YES.

Surprised you did not know about it, if you have been in Cardiff recently, the shadow of the mighty church of shopping has loomed over the City for the past X number of months, as part of the building of the StDavids 2 shopping complex and multitudes of city centre flats that will lay empty well into the next decade.

Granted some clever marketing from the John Lewis People

Flickr Image from worldofoddy

Flickr image from worldofoddy

Flickr image from worldofoddy

CC photos from worldofoddy thanks

and this week Cardiff Council have put up crappy but repeated banners all over town just in case your forgot and the metro has gone JL mad

oh and I have bitten the John Lewis apple as well, by blogging about it, see I told you, no one can escape.

Ok it will bring jobs to the city and visitors for shopping – “Cardiff will become a shopping destination” someone said, yes people come to towns to shop and someone got paid to find that out!

But do we need four more floors of goods most people can’t afford?

I say no, I say invest in the central market and the arcades and get more small unique retailers into the city, instead of making it a carbon copy of LiverpoolOne or every other town in Britain but alas it’s too late.

rant over, now I wonder if they sell sheds 😉