Beer Food Misc

My life in video – including beer, sheds, food & my dog done via @pummelvision

It’s a bit scary when you see your life flash before you in most cases but in this case it’s my Flickr Stream put together with a music track from those clever people over at

As you would imagine its mainly photos of Beer and Sheds, but what would you expect from me, but there are some photos of Torchwood filming in Cardiff, holidays in West Wales, Paris, Portugal & Venice, me singing with the Punks Not Dad and the Great Welsh Beer & Cider festival features a few times along with the Otley arms

My muckers including James,Neil, Arfur turn up along with Sprout my lovely Parson Russell Terrier, Mrs Uncle Wilco & the associated kids don’t feature once – mainly as they don’t like having their photos taken, but at least I have my beer!

It’s quite hypnotic