
My new raised bed now what shall i grow?

I have recently bought a raised bed kit , Well i don’t have time to make one and it would look like something Reg Prescott would make.

finally I got round to buying compost today and added it to the frame.


it also has a external frame


and a waterproof greenhouse effect type cover, to keep his nibs off and help me grow things.


I have planted some Spinach and rocket seeds today and will hopefully transplant my courgette plants in there, or what would you green fingered among you recommend?

on another note, our 2 year old Strawberry plants gave us a small bounty of fruit today…


they were very nice.. as you can see.


with lots more to come, of course this is nothing compared to our neighbor who has got 85 strawberry plants on his allotment, I hope he has some spares!


A mini gardeners worse nightmare

Ok I may be over egging it again.. but the thing that bought me so much gardening joy has turned into a nightmare in my back garden type thing.

We had heavy winds last night in the lower Welsh shed valleys and when I awoke and went to take sprout out for his morning walk at 6:50 (thats bad enough).

I went into the garden to find my mini greenhouse toppled over in the wind with all my hard work destroyed.


I should be able to save half the tomato plants but the majority of everything else is ruined 🙁

I have moved what I could to the safety of the shed and will clean up when I get home tonight.

ok part of it is my fault the Mrs said to make sure it wont blow away, so I put some stones at the bottom, but I should have secured it to the wall/shed as they are hooks on the back… a hard lesson learned.


Best thing I have ever bought – understatement me never

Ok it’s probably still the drugs talking, but went to water my mini greenhouse contents tonight and I am sure everything has grown since Monday!


I bought it before Xmas in a Sale for about £15 a bargain I think.

I am mostly growing Salad leaves and rocket, some herbs including Basil & Coriander and my Tomatoes have just moved from the bathroom tonight.. but as its a great success I will try some other stuff in a week or so, Any recommendations for things I can transfer to pots on the patio?

I think every small garden and gardener should get one!